
a small vagrant setup to setup meteorite on a fresh vm

View the Project on GitHub adnissen/vagrant-meteor


a small vagrant setup to setup Meteor and Meteorite on a fresh vm


You need to have Vagrant, Virtual Box, and some sort of ssh client (GIT for Windows, OSX and Linux already have one installed).

Get Running!

Download this repo as a .zip, unpack it, navigate there in the terminal and simply type 'vagrant up'. You (should) now have a virtual machine running Meteor / Meteorite!

Tips and Tricks~

If you're not familiar with vagrant, you can ssh into the machine with 'vagrant ssh'. When you do this, you'll want to type 'cd /vagrant' and make / clone your project from there to make use of Vagrants synchronized folders feature.

By default, port 3000 is fowarded to port 4567, so when Meteor says it's running on localhost:3000, you can connect to it via